開課系所 |
土木工程學系 |
開課學年 |
100 |
開課學期 |
上 |
課程名稱(中文) |
永續指標 |
課程名稱(英文) |
Sustainability indicators |
課程碼 |
分班碼 |
先修科目或先備能力 |
學分數 |
3 |
開課教師 |
張行道、侯平君(生科系教授)、福島康裕(環工系副教授)、孔憲法(都計系副教授) |
電話 |
63153 |
Office Hours |
課程概述 |
To elucidate threats to sustainability, identify improvement opportunities, and to measure the progresses that have been made in a community or society, various kinds of indicators are developed. In this course, students will be guided through principles, concepts, strength, and key assumptions on which those indicators are constructed. Indicators covered would include both conventional environmental / social / economic indicators and relatively new indicators. For example, environmental impact category indicators (global warming potential, acidification potential, eutrophication potential, human toxicity potential, photo-oxidants creation potential etc.), damage indicators (disability adjusted life years, DALYs), ecological footprint, water/carbon footprint, material input per service, poverty and crime rates, median income, unemployment rate, literacy rate, GDP growth rate, and some other integrated indicators proposed by international organizations such as Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). |
教學目標 |
This course is to provide students with a theoretical and practical orientation to sustainability measurement, and further acquaint them with sustainability management approach. Sustainability problems can be measured through indicators. It is beneficial to the problem resolution when understanding and having measurement knowledge and techniques. |
1. Sustainability framework, hierarchy of sustainability indicators 2. Environmental/social/economic indicators 3. Principles, concepts, strength, and assumptions of indicators 4. Environment impact category indicator 5. Goals and requirements for a sustainable world 6. Sustainable work process 7. Indicators for globe and nations 8. Indicators for cities and buildings 9. Indicators for industries and businesses 10. Eco-efficiency, material input per service 11. Ecological footprint, water/carbon footprint 12. Integrated sustainability indicators |
參考書目 |
1. Sustainability indicators related papers and handouts |
課程要求 |
1. Students should learn sustainability framework and various aspects. 2. Students should know how to use the indicators as a tool to measure sustainability performance. |
評量方式 |
Grade: Participation, Q&A 10% Homework 20% Midterm Exam 40% Term Project 30% |
課程網址 |
助教資訊 |
備註 |