課程名稱: 談判分析
- 學分: (上) 3
- 課程碼: N672000
- 必/選修: 選修
- 授課語言:
- 授課教師: 蔡錦松
- 課程大綱:
- 課程名稱:談判分析 (全英語課程)
(Negotiation Analysis)
- 學分數: 3
- 課程編號:
- 授課教師: 蔡錦松
- 課程目標: The course is to show how analysis can help cooperative parties to find efficient and equitable outcomes. The main pedagogical goal is to introduce quantitative analyses including four approaches: decision analysis, behavioral decision theory, game theory and negotiation analysis to help negotiators to make wise decisions in negotiations. The contents cover three main parts: fundamental concepts, two-party distributive (win-lose) negotiations and two-parry integrative (win-win) negotiations. The materials delivered in the course are mostly adopted the works of Howard Raiffa, emeritus professor of Harvard University, on negotiation analysis. Topics of all lectures are listed below and all lectures are given in English.
本課程旨在介紹如何運用數學分析促進協力雙方達成有效公平之協議。教學目標在於講授四種數量分析方法:決策分析、行為決策理論、賽局理論、談判分析等,用以幫助談判者做出明智談判決策。授課內容涵蓋三個主要部分:一、基本概念,二、分歧(輸贏)式談判,三、合意(雙贏)式談判。教材主要採用哈佛大學教授Howard Raiffa之談判研究成果。講授課題詳如後敘,採用全英語講授。
- 課程內容概要:
- Decision Perspectives
- Decision Analysis
- Behavioral Decision Theory
- Game Theory
- Negotiation Analysis
- Elmtree House
- Distributive Negotiations
- Introducing Complexities: Uncertainty
- Introducing Complexities: Time
- Auctions and Bids
- Template Design and Evaluation
- Template Analysis
- Behavioral Realities
- Noncooperative Others
- 成績計算方式:
(a) Homework assignments 40%
(b) Final exam 60%
- 教科書和主要參考書
Raiffa, H., Negotiation Analysis, The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press 2002.
- 建議先修課程:
10.適合修習對象: 研究所碩、博選修