To introduce the general mechanical and physical concept of composite materials, linking with different length scales. We focus primarily the framework to characterize the overall behavior of the composites in terms of their constituents properties. Mechanical behavior as well as physical properties, such as thermal and electrical or coupled piezoelectric solids are subjects of our contents. Simple classical micromechanical models will be introduced. Some microstructure independent relations for various composite systems under specific deformation modes will be presented as well.
(i) Micromechanics of heterogeneous materials in elasticity and conduction: various types of composites, their properties and applications. Procedures for evaluations of overall properties in heterogeneous aggregates, Inclusion problems. Hashin-Shtrikman bounds on overall moduli.
(ii) Macromechanical behavior of laminates: Stress strain relations for plane stress, Classical lamination theory, Bending, buckling and vibration of laminated plates.
(iii) Microstructure-independent relations. Hill’s universal connections, Exact bulk modulus of cubic polycrystals, Exact bulk modulus of composite with equal constant shear rigidities. Levin’s formula.
(iv) Uniform fields and phase transformation strain. Uniform fields in two-phase media, uniform fields in fibrous media, The exact correspondence between mechanical and thermal effects, the exact link between effective thermal expansion coefficients and elastic moduli.
(v) Inelastic behavior of composite materials. Micromechanical models for inelastic behavior, thermoplasticity, experimental results.
(a) 1 mid-term exam. 33%
(b) 1 final exam 33%
(c) home-works 33%
10.適合修習對象: 碩博選修