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1.   Rankings
     ► In 2021, the QS World University Rankings ranked NCKU 234th overall in the world, 42nd in Asia, and 3rd in the nation.
     ► According to QS World University Rankings by Subject in 2020, Civil and Structural Engineering of NCKU ranked within the world's top 150 universities.
     ► In 2016, the Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU) ranked NCKU 76-lOOth in the engineering field.


2.    2011-2020.05年SCI期刊論文共計456篇。

3.    97-99年EI期刊論文共計177篇。

4.    97-99年國科會專題計畫共計71件。

5.    97-99年建教合作計畫共計26件。