

土木工程概論University course

課程名稱: 土木工程概論
  • 學分: (上) 1
  • 課程碼: E611200
  • 必/選修: 選修
  • 授課語言:
  • 授課教師: 蔡錦松
  • 課程大綱:


  1. 課程名稱: 土木工程概論 Introduction of Civil Engineering
  2. 學分數: 1
  3. 課程編號:
  4. 授課教師: Prof. Jiin-Song Tsai蔡錦松
  5. 課程目標:

                        This course is first to help freshman students understand various aspects of traditional civil engineering, and lead them to see many feasibilities in their future. Lectures cover introduction of important achievements in classical works as well as many cutting edge technology applications in modern city development.


  1. 課程內容概要:
  2. Introduction (簡介)
  3. Modern Civil Engineering (現代土木工程)
  • Engineering Planning (工程規劃)
  1. Construction Works (施工)
  2. Future Aspects of Civil Engineering (土木工程未來展望)
  3. 成績計算方式:

(a) Midterm                                                  50%

      (b) Final Term reports                                               50%