

系所公告Department information

2024-02-23 -

The J Yang Family Foundation has again agreed to provide scholarships to five Taiwanese students in the amount of $5,000 USD each to participate in ISRP. The Foundation will use the students' applications to select recipients of the five scholarships.

2024/2/23更新消息:The J Yang Family Foundation提供5名參加暑期研究學生獎學金(5,000美金)

The International Summer Research Program (ISRP) is a rigorous summer program that invites international students from partner universities to join labs of leading UC San Diego faculty and engage in cutting-edge research.

In addition to gaining valuable research experience, students will have the opportunity to explore San Diego and engage in cultural, academic and professional enrichment activities. At the end of the program, students will present their research at the ISRP Research Symposium. ISRP accepts all disciplines and fields of study!



  • 申請資格:本系大學部及研究所生均可
  • 申請者需經系推薦後自行完成線上申請,請於2024年3月7日(四)前繳交文件(申請表、成績單、英語能力證明)至系辦。
  • 獲推薦者須於2024年4月1日(一)前自行完成線上申請。
  • 英語能力門檻:TOEFL, IELTS or Duolingo English Test (DET) scores demonstrating level of English proficiency.
    TOEFL: Internet-based: 83 or Paper-based: 550
    IELTS: Minimum score of 7 (Academic module)
    DET: Minimum score of 115
  • 申請者於申請時可選擇3間研究室參與研究,最終參加資格由該研究室教授決定。
  • 計畫參加起訖時間:2024年6月30日至8月31日
  • 該校Prof. Ken Loh將於2月27日(二)上午10點至12點於系懷恩講堂專題演講及雙聯學位說明會,有興趣之學生亦可報名參加當面詢問教授。
