課程名稱: 黏彈性力學
- 學分: (下) 3
- 課程碼: N670800
- 必/選修: 選修
- 授課語言:
- 授課教師: 林育芸
- 課程大綱:
- 課程名稱: 黏彈性力學
- 學分數: 3
- 課程編號:
- 授課教師: 林育芸
- 課程目標:
- 課程內容概要:
- Viscoelastic response in shear and models
- Fourier and Laplace transformations
- Relation between Modulus and Compliance
- Some one dimensional problems
- Stress analysis and correspondence principle
- Thermal effects: Time-temperature shift factor
- Large deformation with small strains
- 成績計算方式:
(a) 1 Midterm Exam. 30%
(b) Homeworks 40%
(c) 1 Final Exam. 30%
- 教科書和主要參考書
- ” Lectures on Viscoelasticity Theory”, by A.C. Pipkin
- “Boundary value problem in linear viscoelasticity ”, by G.C. Graham
- 建議先修課程: 彈性力學或連體力學
10.適合修習對象: 研究所選修