(1) 出具博士學歷證書或已通過博士學位口試證明。
(2) 具備大地工程、運輸設施工程、營建管理、結構工程、計算力學、土木資訊科技、工程材料等上述領域任一專長。
(3) 具備中/英文教學能力與經歷,以及獨立拓展研究領域及研究計畫潛力。
(1) 履歷表(含出生年月日、通訊地址、聯絡電話、電子信箱、重要學經歷、學術專長、著作目錄)。
(2) 大學(含)以上學、經歷證明文件影印本。
(3) 大學(含)以上成績單影印本。(取得博士學位超過10年者免附)
(4) 自傳、未來研究/教學/服務規劃。(包括可授課科目及大綱)
(5) 博士論文摘要;近五年代表性學術著作抽印或影印本。
(6) 推薦人名單與聯絡資訊三人。
請透過Google表單連結繳交上述資料(無需繳交紙本): https://forms.gle/9Ja99hqqApKXp9AB9
教師遴聘召集人 郭振銘 教授
電話:06-2757575 轉 63170
The Department of Civil Engineering at National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan invites applications for tenure-track faculty positions at the assistant, associate, or full professor level, starting from 1st February 2025 or 1st August 2025. Qualified applicants must have a Ph.D. degree with independent research potential and offering courses in English or Mandarin for undergraduate and graduate levels. Academic background in one of the following fields is preferred: geotechnical engineering, transportation infrastructure engineering, construction management, structural engineering, computational mechanics, applications of information technology in civil engineering, or engineering material.
(1) Detailed curriculum vitae including year of birth, contact address, phone number, email address, education and work background, area of expertise, and publication list.
(2) A copy of Ph.D. diploma or Ph.D. oral defense pass certification.
(3) Undergraduate and graduate transcripts for candidates with Ph.D. degree awarded in less than 10 years only.
(4) A statement about present appointments, past experiences, plans of future research and teaching interests with syllabus of offering courses.
(5) Abstract of Ph.D. dissertation, selected copies of representative publications in the past 5 years
(6) List of 3 referees with contact information.
Please upload the electronic application materials via the Google forms link:
Professor Chen-Ming Kuo
Tel: +886 6 2757575 ex. 63170
Fax: +886 6 2358542