

土木工程設計實務(丙)University course

課程名稱: 土木工程設計實務(丙)
  • 學分: (下) 3
  • 課程碼: E645630
  • 必/選修: 必修
  • 授課語言: 中文
  • 授課教師: 郭振銘
  • 課程大綱:


  1. 課程名稱: 土木工程設計實務(丙)
  2. 學分數: 3
  3. 課程編號:
  4. 授課教師: 郭振銘
  5. 課程目標:


  1. 課程內容概要:
  • 認識機場工程與計畫
    1. [大處著眼]航空運輸發展趨勢
    2. [大處著眼]機場計畫概述
    3. [小處著手]機場設施設計原則
    4. [觀摩]他山之石-國際主要機場特色
  • 專家授課與現地參訪
    1. [輔助教學]邀請民航局/機場工程顧問
    2. [參訪]民航站
  • 工程顧問創意與分工
    1. [角色扮演]工程顧問團隊分組與分工
    2. [討論]機場建設主題定位與創意
  • 團體實作與簡報詢答
    1. [實作] 實體模型/機場計劃網站/機場模擬軟體
    2. [簡報練習] 模擬競標簡報情境,發表設計成果與詢答
    3. 成績計算:

課堂發言15%; 網路討論區15%; 期中創意15%;

實作成果20%; 分工專業內容20%; 簡報表現15%

  1. 教科書

Norman J. Ashford, Saleh Mumayiz, Paul H. Wright, Airport Engineering Planning, Design, and Development of 21st Century Airports, 4th Edition, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2011

Richard de Neufville, Amedeo R. Odoni, Airport systems planning, design and management, McGraw-Hill, 2003

9.建議先修: 土木系大一、大二必修課程




  1. 課程名稱: Design Practice of Civil Engineering(3)
  2. 學分數: 3
  3. 課程編號:
  4. 授課教師: Chen-Ming Kuo
  5. 課程目標:

      Brainstorm the roles of the required courses in evaluation, designing, planning, and implementation of transportation infrastructures. Practice the process and design work by teamwork as term project.

  1. 課程內容概要:
  • Introduction of airport planning and design
    1. Trends of air transportation development
    2. Concepts of airport planning
    3. Guidelines of airport design
    4. Get to know main international airports
  • Expert lectures and site visit
    1. Lectures of airport consultant and officials
    2. Visit airports
  • Consultant practicing
    1. Role playing as airport consultant company
    2. Brainstorming design goal and innovations
  • Practice and presentation
    1. Airport model/website of airport planning/simulation of airport design
    2. Project bidding contest/presentation, inquiry, and defense
    3. 成績計算:

Class participation 15%; moodle discussion 15%; innovation 15%;

Term project design 20%;consultant practicing 20%; final presentation 15%

  1. 教科書

Norman J. Ashford, Saleh Mumayiz, Paul H. Wright, Airport Engineering Planning, Design, and Development of 21st Century Airports, 4th Edition, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2011

Richard de Neufville, Amedeo R. Odoni, Airport systems planning, design and management, McGraw-Hill, 2003

