Micromechanics of Heterogeneous Media, Mechanics of Coupled Fields, Applied Mathematics
Nonlinear Finite Element Method, Steel Structures
Computational Mechanics, Mechanics of Composite Materials, Plates and Shells
Green Building Design, Energy, Fire Safety Engineering, Smart Living Space
Plates and Shells, Constitutive Law of Materials, Computer-aided Structural Analysis, Spinal Biomechanics
High Performance Fiber Reinforced Concrete Materials and Structures, Earthquake-resistant Reinforced Concrete Structures, Structural Repairs and Retrofitting
Earthquake Engineering, Seismic Isolation and Protective Systems, Structural Dynamics and Control, Smart Structural Systemsontrol, Smart Structural Systems
Granular Matter, Debris and Mud Flows, Environ-mental Mechanics, Thermodynamics
Structural Control, Earthquake Engineering, Smart Construction Site, Intelligent Long-Care BIM, Digital-Twin Real-Time Hybrid Testing, Site Response Analysis, Fluid-Structure Interaction, Wind Tunnel Testing, Health Monitoring and Diagnosis of Facilities
Bridge Engineering, Earthquake Engineering, Reinforced Concrete, Structural Inspection, Evaluation and Retrofit, Structural Test
Wave Propagation, Vibration
Meshfree Methods, Finite Element Method, 2.5d Finite/infinite Element Approach, Fully Coupled Thermo-mechanical Formulation, Additive Manufacturing, Soil-structure Interaction,Deep Learning