

工程統計University course

課程名稱: 工程統計
  • 學分: (上) 3
  • 課程碼: N674400
  • 必/選修: 丙組核心課程
  • 授課語言:
  • 授課教師: 陳建旭
  • 課程大綱:


  1. 課程名稱:工程統計Engineering Statistics
  2. 學分數:3
  3. 課程編號:
  4. 授課教師:陳建旭Jian-Shiuh Chen
  5. 課程目標:
    Ÿ Serve three purposes: (1) a familiarization course for most students, (2) a background
    for entry-level practice in statistics-related engineering, and (3) a practical skill for
    data analysis in research;
    Ÿ Challenge students with open-ended problem sets that encourage students to think
    critically about engineering statistics, which, whenever possible, are tied to real world
  6. 課程內容概要:
    Lecture # Lecture #
    1 Introduction 9 Inferences
    2 Probability 10 Analysis of Variable (ANOVA)
    3 Discrete Random Variable 11 Multifactor ANOVA
    4 Continuous Random Variable 12 Simple Linear Regression
    5 Joint Probability Distributions 13 Nonlinear and Multiple
    6 Point Estimation 14 Analysis of Categorical Data
    7 Statistical Intervals 15 Distribution-Free Procedure
    8 Tests of Hypotheses 16 Quality Control Method
  7. 成績計算方式:
    Graduate Students
    Undergraduate Students
    Attendance 10% 10%
    Homework 30% 30%
    Mid-Term Exam 5% (open-book test) 30% (open-book test)
    Final Exam 5% (open-book test) 30% (open-book test)
    Term Paper 50%
  8. 教科書或主要參考書:
    (a) Devore, J.L. (2000). Probability and Statistics for Engineering and the Science, 5th
    Edition, Duxbury Press, New York.
  9. 適合選修對象:senior + graduate students
  10. 建議先修基礎課程:無